
If we are just animals . . .

The public education school system has promoted a naturalistic worldview for the past fifty years. If humans are merely byproducts of evolution, if our wills have been stripped of morals, and we are just animals, should a school shooting such as seen in Santa Fe, TX this past weekend really catch us off guard? What are the implications for thousands of students who truly believe what they are being taught? After all, wasn’t this latest shooting incident just another example of an animal pulling a trigger on other animals? For a person who believes there is no God, that we are cosmic accidents, that there is no right or wrong, in his or her own demented mind sees nothing wrong with killing dozens of innocent people.

If we Christians are honest with ourselves, as fallen creatures, we need to admit we all have mental health issues. No one thinks perfectly because no one, except for One, was born perfect. However, there is a big difference between us Christians and the shooter. We who are following Christ may have issues, but we don’t go places killing people because we have Jesus, the living hope, living inside of us. We believe in an afterworld and that our earthly actions have eternal consequences. What the shooter needed was this same hope, this Jesus. What happened this weekend was not the problem. It was the symptom. We don’t need stricter gun control or school security, though both would help at this present time. We need more Jesus! Jesus is still the answer! The gun didn’t fire on its own. Education alone wouldn’t have stopped this young man in his tracks. The person who planned out this massive evil ordeal needed someone to wrap their arms around him and tell him that Jesus loves him. He needed a man, a father, to provide him with life direction.

Quite honestly, I’m surprised we have not had hundreds of other school shootings. It’s been the prayers of many people and God’s grace that has prevented more bloodshed. The thing is none of this violence has to happen. The Perfect One has already shed his blood for our sin problem. Jesus has already died so we can be spared.

If we think the secular agenda is going to stop now that our students are being shot up, we need to think again. Greg Burt wrote an article last year detailing how new California curriculum seeks to transform how children view gender and their sexual identity. The transgender agenda is alive and well. This ideology is now being taught to students from California to Minnesota to D.C., while parents in California are not allowed to opt their kindergartener out of the indoctrination. I guess the inevitable educational outcomes will be manly animals who look like women eventually shooting up she-animals that look like men.

We need a moral compass. We need God and His Word to guide us. Why? One reason is so that we can stay alive, if that means anything to you. God gives us meaning in a world that promotes meaningless. C.S. Lewis was right when he talked about men without chests in The Abolition of Men. Without a true north, men begin to look like women or whatever else they desire to look like. My next article along these lines would have to be titled . . . “if we are just transgender animals . . .” After all, the monkey in the above pic is wearing a pink shirt and I’m not sure whether it is a boy or girl monkey.

If you give a boy a doll, he will treat it like a soldier. If you give a girl a toy truck, she’ll start to decorate it.  This type of normal gender behavior is being re-engineered by our educators into something entirely different? It is a crying shame those who want to send their children to Christian schools have to pay for it. These same parents who make sacrifices in order for their child to get a Christian education at the same time have to pay their tax dollars to support public education that goes against their family values. It is time for some legislation that would allow individuals’ tax dollars to go to their school of choice.