
Free E-Course

Christian Formation, Ministry, and Leadership

Madonna once sang the lyrics, “We are living in a material world.” I feel like I am living in the digital world. Technology has disrupted every industry, including the field of education.

I am proud to announce (on this Holy Week) that I am releasing a FREE eCourse on my blog site entitled “Christian Formation, Ministry, and Leadership.” You can locate the course on the far right tab found on the home page. You may be asking yourself, “What is an eCourse?” An eCourse is simply a class you take online. Many instructors charge students to take their eCourse. The good news for you, as it relates to this course, is you won’t be taking any tests and the good news for me is I won’t be grading any papers!

After I graduated seminary with my doctorate, I put together a series of lectures that relate to subjects of Christian formation, ministry, and leadership. I love all three of these fields and thus enjoyed compiling these lectures. If you do not have a passion for these three fields like I do, I can assure you that you will most likely not enjoy listening to my lectures.

However, if you do enjoy Christian formation (what I term as a combination of Christian education and spiritual formation), ministry, and leadership, I think you will like my lectures. You may only like one or two of the disciplines. If that is the case, I would encourage you to pick and choose which lectures you will listen to. For example, if you are a business leader, you may only want to listen to the lecture on leadership. If you are an adult pastor, you may want to listen to the lecture on adult ministry and the lecture on leadership. If you want to learn more about ministry in general, I think you will find yourself listening to many of these lectures!

I hope you enjoy listening to these lectures and I hope you find my lectures worthwhile of your time.