
He didn’t need 10,000 angels

I learned a long time ago that it good to develop friendships with people whom you have nothing in common with.  Though I do not care to spend ample time with these type of friends, I do at times find their company a breath of fresh air.  For example, I can’t carry a tune in a bucket or sing a lick, but from time to time I enjoy listening to a symphony or talking to a musically inclined artist.  I don’t particularly enjoy attending plays or dramas but I recognize the value of doing something different every now and then, such as attending The Nutcracker in this type of season.

As a teenager, I first developed a friendship with the type of person who was crazy over Star Wars, sci-fi, and comic superheroes.  Though I picked up a little of this person’s interest in Star Wars, I never came around to finding sci-fi or superhero movies all that intriguing.  I guess it was just not real enough for me, lol.  But I respect other people’s interests, even if they are not my own. 

That being said, IGN came up with a list of the Top 100 Comic Book heroes.  Now, I realize for those of you who are die hard Marvel, DC, or other comic book fans, a name that is missing might cause you to become irate and hysterical.  Anyways, in alphabetical order, here they are (remember, I’m just the messenger).     

Adam Strange, Aquaman, Barbara Gordon, Barry Allen (The Flash), Batman, Beast, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Black Panther, Black Widow, Blade, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Bucky Barnes, Captain America, Captain Britain, Captain Marvel, Catwoman, Cerebus, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dashiell Bad Horse, Deadpool, Dick Grayson (Robin), Donna Troy, Dr. Strange, Dream of the Endless, Elijah Snow, Eric O’Grady (Ant-Man), Fone Bone, Gambit, Ghost Rider, Green Arrow, Groo, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Hank Pym (Ant-Man), Hawkeye, Hawkman, Hellboy, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Iron Fist, Iron Man, James Gordon, Jean Grey, Jesse Custer, John Constantine, John Stewart (Green Lantern), Jonah Hex, Judge Dredd, Ka-Zar, Kitty Pryde, Luke Cage, Martian Manhunter, Marv, Michonne, Mitchell Hundred, Moon Knight, Nick Fury, Nightcrawler, Nova, Professor X, Punisher, Raphael, Reed Richards, Renee Montoya, Rick Grimes, Rorschach, Savage Dragon, Scott Pilgrim, Sgt. Rock, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Spawn, Spider-Man, Spider Jerusalem, Storm, Sub-Mariner, Superboy, Supergirl, Superman, Swamp Thing, The Atom, The Crow, The Falcon, The Hulk, The Rocketeer, The Spectre, The Spirit, The Thing, The Tick, Thor, Tim Drake (Robin), Usagi Yojimbo, Wally West (The Flash), Wasp, Wildcat, Wolverine, Wonder Woman, Yorick Brown

Now that the school break is on, it is a good time for families to go to the movies.  And every holiday break seems to bring a movie which stars a superhero or superheroine.  This year, it just happens to be Doctor Strange.  Again, that name does not mean much to me, but I realize some of you may have been chomping at the bit waiting years in anticipation for a movie with this title.   

I find the superhero phenomena fascinating.  To me, it represents man’s attempt or way to save man.  Pride, power, prestige, popularity are just some of the words that come to mind.  Would we ever throw a cape on Jesus or give him X-ray vision.  Would we give Jesus an iron fist or claws made out of metal?  Not in a million years!

Why? Because Jesus represents God’s way to save man.  Born as a baby who was both man and God (a miracle in itself), Jesus could have used superhuman powers when tempted by the devil, but he chose not to (Mat 4:1–11).  Though Jesus pulled off many miracles, he doesn’t often get the same credit as one who can leap from building to building with spider webs coming out of his hands. 

Jesus is the foci of next generation ministry.  Without him as the center of attention, our vision gets skewed.  A superhuman could never do what Jesus did because he or she would not neglect to use the power within if it could save his or her life.  Jesus gave up his life out of love for us when he had all the power in the world to stop it from happening by calling on 10,000 angels (Mat 26:53).  Now, which feat do you find more impressive?  I’ll go with the real-life guy who lived the life I couldn’t, died the death I should’ve, and is coming back again!