
In Christ Alone

Image result for Voddie Baucham Social Justice

If you work with the next generation, you need to be familiar with the concepts of “critical race theory (CRT)”, “systemic racism”, and “social justice”. You need to understand that leading evangelicals have different takes on these subjects. The topic has a complexity of factors which is why Pastors Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Eric Mason, David Platt, and Matt Chandler don’t all seem to be on the same page.

Whereas many public school systems now want to cram CRT into its curriculum and conversantly into its students while telling students how they should act upon its doctrine and creeds without being allowed to think for themselves, you need to study the issue and come to your own conclusions. I agree with Voddie that social justice is not biblical justice and I agree with MacArthur that social justice is a caveat for socialism. Justice needs no adjective.

The reason you need to understand terms like “intersectionality”, “equity”, and “disparity” is because your students will know them or will be learning them soon. It is sad that education has become overly political, but as I wrote in a previous post, we are not dealing with a mere political idea, but rather a rival religion. The strand of Cultural Marxism we are dealing with views Christianity, the family, and the Church as the oppressor and wants to level the playing field by undermining the “privileges” that come with being a part of these “groups”.

I know . . . this is heavy stuff . . . but you need to understand this ideology and the nuances that come with it. Not everyone is privileged to live in the state of Florida, where many traditional American liberties and freedoms are being maintained. How else will you be able to combat this ideology in the lives of your students if you don’t understand it? And trust me, the issue(s) will come up.

This ideology is not only dividing races, it is dividing families. Children are turning on parents and grandparents. This is a generational issue we all need to talk through. But when we talk, we must keep the gospel front and center. Explain why the gospel presents a better way, why the gospel paints a prettier picture. To a certain degree, structural or systemic racism has always been around and is in place today. But, even if Marxists had their full way, systemic racism would never be completely eradicated. We live in a fallen world, where things will never be perfect and where sin is our ultimate problem.

Christendom need not be split between woke pastors and non-woke pastors, woke churches and non-woke churches. Why? Because we are One in Christ! We are one race, all coming from Adam and Eve. We all bleed red. Politics will never be the answer to our sin problem, because only Jesus is. Christ’s blood and his blood alone has the power to cleanse us from our sins. We need to repent not of being white, or of being woke, but of being wrong. We have all messed up when it comes to obeying God’s standard (The Law) and we all need his forgiveness. Pastors, preach the Word! Don’t let CRT and woke-ism take over your pulpit. Exposit the Word, not the hot-button topic of the day. Scripture is sufficient. Let God through His Word speak for Himself. These are the “outcomes” we need to be concerned about.

It is ok if we Christians don’t always agree. However, we must all agree on primary issues such as the gospel and the atonement. After all, Easter is coming! Unfortunately, “Progressive Christianity” is teaching a false gospel. You need to be aware of this separate ideology as well. Might I recommend to you books and or videos by Alisa Childers? The time is now for us to stand up against Cultural Marxism, Progressive Christianity, and the like.