
Jesus Talk

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Over the past half-century, talk has really taken off on all media platforms. When we used to think of talk shows, we thought of late-night television show hosts such as Jay Leno or David Letterman or daytime tv talk show hosts such as Jerry Springer or Oprah. But now, it seems every sector in culture and society has a talk show. You can listen to news talk, sports talk, or weather talk if you would like and with a seemingly different show and host every hour on the hour on any given day. When you get bored with all of that, you can listen to some food talk and then proceed to your kitchen and cook up that new recipe.

Besides the increase of talk, there has also been an increase in the amount of media platforms that you can listen to your favorite talk shows on (social media, podcasts, smartTV, etc.) But we’re doing more than listening to more talk than we used to. We’re also talking more ourselves. Today, it seems everyone has a voice that is heard, whether that be on their own website, blog, channel, account, feed, etc.

Freedom of speech is a good thing and being allowed to express yourself and your views on multiple platforms all at the same time is also a good thing. However, all this talk begs one question. What would Jesus say? If you were talking to Jesus face to face, what would he talk about? We know he would talk about repentance and the Kingdom of God, but what else? For those of us who know him, I think he would ask us a rather direct question: Are you talking about me as much as you’re talking about all these other topics?

In the day and hour in which we live, we must realize there are some people around us that are more willing and open to talk about Jesus than they ever have been before. There are some hurting individuals who need and want you to talk to them about Jesus. They are seeking hope, love, joy, and peace. You have the answer. Will you offer it to them?

With all of the executive orders President Biden signed in his first week on the job, I see some devastating consequences that could come our nation’s way. I don’t want to come across as a pessimist, but I do see a coming increase in crime, anger, and poverty. When people get angry enough with one another, wars are bound to happen whether they be foreign or domestic. No one wants WW III or another Civil War until they do. As followers of Christ, we are not only to pray for peace in and our city, state, nation, and world. We are to make peace and to offer peace to those around us who are seeking to find it.

The rhetoric from all sides needs to be toned down, but neither rhetoric nor tone is the primary problem today. The issue at stake is the issue of first being able to sit down at a table with people who hold different views than you do and have civil discourse. Until we can talk and listen to one another, headway cannot be made.

We talk to each other about weather, sports, and politics. We talk to each other about love, relationships, and food. At times, we’ll even talk to each other about race, religion, and creed. Yet the question remains: Will you talk to people about Jesus?