
Newest Booklet Just Released!!!

I have not written a blog on this site for a while. If you would like to read what has been on my heart and mind, please order a copy of my newest booklet Secular Christianity?

I have done my best to keep costs affordable for everyone. The print version is $4.99 on here. The kindle version in on the same platform at $2.99 here.

Below is a synopsis of my book:

Secular Christianity? describes the current state of Christianity in America while prescribing how The Church’s relationship with God can be restored. The booklet questions the validity of the Church’s secularization and provides a way out through revitalization. The way to wholeness is holiness. The Church can get back on its feet but it must first find its heart.

I think this book is what the American Church needs to hear at this time. There are many churches, big and small, in our land doing a fantastic job. But we can do better – the time is now!

I would encourage you to read this booklet. It won’t take much of your time and it will be well worth it. If you would be so kind, please leave me a review and share with others.