
Let’s Get Phygital!

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a phyigital (this new word is a combination of the words “physical” and “digital”) conference led by Dr. James Emery White. This church and culture conference was hosted in a physical place (Dr. White’s church in Charlotte, NC), but also in a digital space (my laptop).

The idea in the conference that struck the deepest chord in my spirit as it relates to Gen Z and Generation Alpha (the generation after Gen Z) is that churches are going to have to get phygital whether they like it or not. In fact, in order to attract the next generation into a physical building called church, the church will first have to greet the next generation online through their website and social media presence. The church website is the new front door. Before the next generation attends your church’s physical service, they will have to first attend your church’s digital service (on FB live, YouTube, church website, etc.). In fact, the next generation today is most likely to first invite their friends to church by saying, “check out our website.”

This is because the world that the next generation understands the most is the digital world, not the physical world. The next generation often struggles with face-to-face communication because their primary way of connecting with others is online. {The stats and information to follow come from Dr. White’s conference} This is why the next generation is often lonely (3 out of 10) and say they have no friends (1 out of 5). Besides being highly isolated, the next generation is highly individualistic with 2 out of 3 saying they don’t need or want anyone to help them grow in their faith. It doesn’t help that slightly less than half of Christians will reach out to help others in their church grow in their faith.

Digital discipleship is becoming a real thing. Churches are being forced to help stair-step the next generation into physical community through the avenue of digital community (i.e., digital small groups and forums). This is because the next generation’s favorite way to communicate (in the form of face to face communication) has dropped from 50% to 30% in the last six years. Churches will have to hire online pastors to help facilitate digital small groups and video chat rooms through apps such as House Party, Kick, Fam, Tribe, ooVoo, Airtime, and FB messenger. Digital natives call this online interaction “live chilling” and these apps have become the new 3rd place. Online pastors will be utilized to beef up their church’s online presence (websites, social media and marketing, etc.), offer online prayer rooms, and answer people’s spiritual questions through online conversations, etc..

People engaging the world through their phone is the new norm. The church begins by engaging the next generation digitally. Once physical engagement finally does occur (the person attends your church campus), the engagement must be digitally served and enhanced by the phone. Get used to hearing “Bring out your Bible and your Phone” before the start of the service.

Churches will be forced to offer in-service Apps that will allow all generations to have an interactive experience while at church: Imagine ordering coffee and checking your kids in before you get to church, recording sermon notes while digitally following the Scripture/message outline, downloading a praise song you just heard, and then receiving e-vites to send your online friends as soon as your car leaves the parking lot. The next generation is used to everything being an instant customized experience set up just for them (individualistic and tailored by analytics). This is why the next generation doesn’t go into grocery stores unless the store offers them an experience like a cooking class, live music, or taste samples (this in-store experience would be considered a date night for 20 year-olds). I mean, why would they when after all, they can go to the grocery store to have someone deliver the already-ordered groceries to their car (and never even have to get out). This is why 30-40 percent of grocery stores will close in the next decade. This is why you will see many brick and mortar banks close shop. This is why Best Buy just stopped selling CD’s (Gen Z only listens to music through its streaming services). This is why the education industry will have to radically altar the way they offer learning (for ex., take attendance with Twitter, post assignments on Slack, and hold office hours at 10 PM on Zoom). Because the digital revolution (especially with the advent of the Smartphone in 2007) itself has rewired the next generation’s brain and has changed not only when, where, and what the next generation learn (Google search, Ted Talks, Podcasts, You Tube services, Online do-it yourself tutorials, and online courses), but “how they learn.”

A huge shift and might I mention, generation difference has occurred in how the next generation communicates and relates to others. For instance, online dating now is fast- becoming the only dating. Robots have supplanted the role of matchmaker. Tinder, Ok Cupid, and Bumble have taken the place of community.

It is the church’s responsibility to step in and build generational bridges by offering authentic relationships and functional community through a family-like atmosphere. The digital to physical gap can be be bridged! Real people still matter! It’s just that now, physical people in the church will need to go to great lengths (the extra mile) to help its digital natives become comfortable in physical environments. At the same time, much grace must be given to help the next generation learn how to engage people in face-to-face conversations (both individually and in a group setting). The great irony is that many in the next generation who say they are lonely and want to have friends are bad at making friends. They are not socially gifted and can at times be socially awkward. If the church doesn’t help the next generation overcome these deficits by offering real community, who will?


Take a little ride with me

Barna and WorldVision recently tag-teamed to produce a study called the “The Connected Generation” which documented interviews with more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 35 in twenty-five countries and nine languages. The research was quite extensive and has been ten years in the making.

As next generation leaders, I think it is vital that we pay attention to a study that offers this much depth. You can look over key findings of the study at this link:

Of all the information covered, however, the one statistic that I cannot get out of my head is that only one out of every three young adults said they had someone in their life that believed in them.

This statistic literally breaks my heart. I have had countless number of people in my life invest and believe in me. This sad statistic forces me to look in the mirror and ask myself, “Am I believing in someone in the next generation?”

The next generation is often criticized, but if they have no mentors, no coaches, isn’t that somewhat of an indictment on the next generation’s leaders? I think it is.

As this latest study revealed, Millennials and Gen Z aren’t the next generation; they are the now generation! They are not an add-on to the church, but rather an active agent; not a consumer, but rather a contributor.

So, the question becomes, “How are you preparing future leaders for the arts and sciences, for economics and politics, for business and ministry?” Vocational discipleship is extremely important to the next generation and they are looking for coaches and mentors at church. Your job is to help facilitate this new reality: the workplace has become the new church.

This past Sunday, a young man approached me and asked me to mentor him. For starters, I was honored to be asked. It might now work this way for you. You might be the one who needs to ask a young man or woman if you could mentor him or her.

So, how will I mentor this new protege of mine? I have learned the last thing to do is give my mentee a book and tell him to go away. That practice does not do either party any good. You must first start by understanding that mentoring is a way for you to grow as much as your mentee.

So, how will I mentor this new protege of mine? I will take him along for the ride of his life. I will let him do ministry with me. He will do what I do. He will feel what I feel. He will see what I see and he will hear what I hear.

Wasn’t this the way of Jesus? Didn’t he tell some guys to come and follow him? Really, what Jesus told his disciples was “come and take a walk with me.” But, this was no short walk. This was a journey, a day-by-day walk beside Jesus and trusting him that he was taking them exactly where they needed to go. For one disciple, it led to the most unexpected place-hanging on a cross, upside-down. Thank goodness Jesus did not tell Peter this news on Day 1. This ride may not always be fun, but it will be worth giving up your very life for.


The Next Generation and the First Generation

In Bible times, it was normal to define older men/women and younger men/women in one or two different ways: (1) Older men/women were above the age of 40 and younger men/women were under the age of 40, or (2) Older men/women were above the age of 60 and younger men/women were above the age of 12. Expectations by God of older and younger men/women were very similar (see Titus 2).

What if we, however, took the first definition and just made all the generations we have today either fit into one generation (those above the age of 40) or the other (those below the age of 40). In that line of thought, I have often wondered, “What would you then call the generation that comes before the next generation?” Though they are older and some may even be approaching death, I think it rude to call the preceding generation the “last generation.” Though they are wiser, “mature generation” just doesn’t sound right either. Though seniors shouldn’t be offended by the word “older” (the Bible considers old age a badge of honor), some are and might not like being called the “older generation” or the “senior generation.”

It is at this point that the words of Jesus enter my mine. I think of when Jesus talked about how the first would be last and the last would be first (Matthew 19:30). I know Jesus was talking about how service and discipleship related to the Kingdom in this verse and not how the generational gap could be bridged. But, there is a principle I have gleaned from Jesus’ statement that helps me answer the above question.

Things usually work backwards in life. Parents often raise their kids in young age only to turn around and have their kids take care of them in their old age. In this way, the last becomes first. When the next generation serves and takes care of those who came before them, they are being Christ-like. When both generations put the other before themselves, the first become last and the last become first. If we live the way Christ told us to, there really is no need for a generational war! Next generation, why not honor the oldest generation by calling them the first or best generation?

My friends from GenOn ministries recently gave me some great advice and ideas for intergenerational ministry. They told me that it is not how the first generation talks to the next generation or even how the next generation talks with the first generation. What it is about is in asking the right questions and having all voices at the table be heard and respected.

With my church’s homecoming coming up, GenOn provided me with a wonderful list of questions that the first generation can ask the next generation. I have since talked with both generations! I asked the first generation to be intentional about approaching the next generation whether that’s by walking up to or sitting down with the next generation. I asked the next generation that when approached by the first generation, they should not run or say hi and bye (one-word answers).

Here’s the list I want to lay down on each table at my church’s homecoming for generational conversations to begin:

  • What is your name? 
  • What grade are you in?
  • Do you play sports and if so, what sports do you play?
  • Are you involved in band or drama at school?
  • Did you go on any fun vacations or trips this past Summer? 
  • What are some of your favorite things to do?
  • What is school like (Tell them how school was for you)?
  • What do you like or love about our church?
  • What is a lesson you have learned at church and how does this lesson help you in your life?
  • What would you say to someone about why you attend this church?
  • What might your role at Mt. Carmel be in the future?
  • What are some ways you connect with God?
  • What are some highs and lows in your life that I can be praying about?
  • How can I pray for you this week?
  • What could our church do better at?
  • What is your favorite hymn/praise song?
  • Are there any other church songs that speak to you?
  • What music style do you connect with?

Keep in mind that what we have done for so long in church is multi-generational ministry, not intergenerational ministry. For too long, we have sat generations together in a room and asked for no interaction between the generations. Generations come and go to church without ever talking to or acknowledging one another. Intergenerational ministry doesn’t work like that! We need both formal and informal experiences where intentional and spontaneous ministry between the generations can take place.

So often, we let education or worship wars divide our generations and our churches. I’m not even talking about the technological gap. It shouldn’t matter if a younger man/woman wants to attend small group in a house instead of Sunday school in a church or if an older man/woman prefers the opposite. What should matter is that both are ministering and being ministered to!

Why do we make such a big deal about worship? Here is how I answered the last three questions on the list: “I can’t say that I have a favorite hymn/praise song. I do like both and my church does both. I don’t like dead worship. When God is being worshipped in spirit and in truth, that is live worship and you feel Him. I think the worship pastor/praise band is instrumental because no matter what he or she/they sing, who they are takes precedence. They may not sing my style of preference but their worship of God is evident and inspires me to worship. So worship goes beyond words. Our worship pastor has led worship for nineteen years and hasn’t got paid a dime. When he leads worship, I know he is truly leading out of his love for Jesus.”


The Last Generation and Mental Health

As you know, I am always writing about the next generation. This is why I must admit that while reading James Emery White’s book Meet Generation Z, I became awestruck by an idea that Dr. White presents in the book. White says, “Intriguingly, some are calling Generation Z the last generation we will ever speak of. The speed of culture, in which change can happen in a day, will make speaking of generations and their markings obsolete.” White then quotes a Culture Forecast by Sparks and Honey that says, “Tomorrow will be less about what a difference a generation makes, but more about what a difference a day makes.” White then continues, “All the more reason to make sure we know about what is probably the last, and arguably what will prove to be the most influential, generation in Western history.”

Could Gen Z be the final generation? If you are working through the alphabet, it makes sense. I mean, we just went through Generation X, Generation Y, and now Generation Z. I think there is some validity to the concept White proposes. There is no doubt that the years in which comprise a generation are shortening due to technology, the generation gap, and the speed at which society is moving. I like what Daniel 12:4 says: “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” It is no surprise that knowledge has increased and that people are scurrying about. Man, in his rebellion, has always tried to unite in order to reach heights that properly belong to God (e.g., The Tower or Babel in Genesis 11). But does all of this mean that generations will cease to exist? I am not so sure. I am reminded of all the times Jesus spoke of judgments regarding various generations. In the end, I don’t think the answer matters all that much and that any talk about whether Gen Z is the last generation or not is just fanciful speculation at best.

While we are on subjects of dispute, I have to bring up another. In the year 2008, Dr. Robert Leahy posted on Psychology Today this line: “The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950’s.” Leahy made this statement based off of research that is now nearly twenty years old. However, with the advent of smart phones and social media in 2007, I think Leahy was onto something. Yet, with such a time lapse between the research, I prefer to lean on one of the leading Gen Z expert’s opinions in analyzing the mental health of youth culture today.

Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego St. wrote a book called iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy-And Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.” Twenge followed up on her book when she recently wrote an article entitled, “The mental health crisis among America’s youth is real – and staggering.”  Twenge has said that it is not an exaggeration to describe iGen or Generation Z as being on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades.

In the article, Twenge says, “The large increases in mental health issues in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health appeared almost exclusively among teens and young adults, with less change among Americans ages 26 and over. Even after statistically controlling for the influences of age and year, we found that depression, distress and suicidal thoughts were much higher among those born in the mid- to late-1990s, the generation I call iGen. The mental health crisis seems to be a generational issue, not something that affects Americans of all ages. And that, more than anything else, might help researchers figure out why it’s happening.”

The old research says that teens were tripping out because of academic pressure. Academic pressure has only intensified today as kids compete for scholarships, etc. However, I think Twenge is more onto the cause when she says, “But there was one societal shift over the past decade that influenced the lives of today’s teens and young adults more than any other generation: the spread of smartphones and digital media like social media, texting and gaming.”

I agree with the latest research which says mental health is a generational issue. Whereas mental health was a minor issue in the 1950’s, now the issue has blown up to become a normal part of life. In the past, those struggling with mental health were treated as exiles. Today, these same outcasts are embraced and treated with special care. Colleges, in particular, are having to navigate these challenging times by offering their students programs and professionals which can assist them with their mental health. Jim Sankey, SEC Commissioner, recently stated at SEC Media Days, “The perspectives on mental health represent not a ripple of change, but a wave of new reality, which faces all of us in intercollegiate athletics and higher education.” Whereas talk with students used to center around campus parking and textbooks, Sankey says students today need and want to talk about their mental health.

We should help students understand that they need to value the words coming from those who love them like parents, teachers, and coaches more than they do the words coming from their Twitter followers or other social media outlets.

How are you helping this generation deal with mental health issues? There is no better place to start than the Bible. This verse comes to mind: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV).


Share Jesus – YEET?

Summers were made for movies! I recently went to watch the new release Spider Man: Far From Home. One scene in particular caught my attention. Two teenagers who just started dating are sitting beside each other on a bus. The couple is wrapped is up in their own little world because each is looking down playing on their phone. But then the teenage boy gets a text from his girlfriend that says “I miss you.” Without looking up or to the side (where his girlfriend is sitting), the boy replies back with a text that says, “I miss you too.”

Marvel has a way of displaying culture in a humorist way, but Marvel does this in a way that is also realistic. We laugh because we know the scene we are watching is real. The next generation has always had a fascination with themselves. Really, its just part of human nature. But with the advent of smart phones, it appears that the next gen’s preoccupation with themselves is now on steroids.

Not only does Gen Z speak a different language than everyone else (watch the above video), I am afraid Gen Z is losing the battle on knowing how to communicate with real people in a face to face conversation. It really isn’t a bad idea to offer the next generation a workshop on communication skills. The motive behind any workshop you offer should be the gospel. Sure, Gen Z is better with reaching Gen Z for Jesus online than older generations. But I still think there is value in Gen Z learning how to communicate the gospel face to face. Life is a balance and for the moment, life isn’t lived in a completely digital world.

Leaders, we must lead the way if we want the the next generation to learn how to share Jesus with others in a non-digital way. For example, I recently heard of a summer camp that asked for all of its students who received Christ to text in that they had made this all-important decision. What are we really communicating to our students when all we ask of them is to text us that they made the most important decision they ever could make in their life? The decision to follow Christ for the rest of one’s life should be a public declaration, not merely a set of private texts sent between two parties. After all, Jesus was publicly humiliated for our sin. He didn’t accomplish his work on the cross in a single text, tweet, or post. I think we owe Jesus more, but again leaders, that starts with you and I leading the way.

Let’s teach our students how to have out-loud conversations, how to communicate the gospel online and off-line, and that their faith should be public. At the same time, let’s learn the language of Gen Z so we can better speak into their lives!


Somebody’s Watching Me

When leading a Student D-Group, an excellent tool to have in your bag of resources is a list of accountability questions. Christ-followers of all ages are responsible for keeping their brothers and sisters (in Christ) in check.

Taken from a combination of many sources, below is a list of accountability questions Student D-Group Leaders can ask students every week in their weekly D-Group meeting!


  1. Have you consciously or unconsciously created the impression that you are better than you are?
  2. Have you secretly wished for another’s misfortune so that you might excel?


3. Are you giving your family only your emotional table scraps?

Above Reproach & Blameless

4. Have you exposed yourself to any sexually alluring material or allowed your mind to entertain inappropriate thoughts about someone of the opposite sex?

5. Have you done anything that compromised your integrity with the opposite sex?

Spiritual Disciplines

6. Are you faithfully involved with worship and service?

7. Are you giving time for the Bible to speak to you every day?

8. Are you enjoying prayer every day?

9. Is Christ real to you?


10. Are you a slave to work, hobbies, or your phone?

11. Is your pace of life sustainable?

12. Do you go to bed on time and get up on time?

13. Are you taking care of your body through physical exercise, proper eating, and sleeping habits?

Relationships & Anger

14. Have you allowed a person or circumstance to rob you of joy?

15. Is there anyone whom you fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold resentment toward, or disregard? If so, what are you doing about it?

16. Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face-to-face?

17. Have you passed on to another what was told to you in confidence?


18. When was the last time you spoke to someone about your faith?


19. Are you praying about the money you spend?


20. Do you have anything that you desire to keep secret?

21. Have you lied on any of your answers?


Free E-Course

Christian Formation, Ministry, and Leadership

Madonna once sang the lyrics, “We are living in a material world.” I feel like I am living in the digital world. Technology has disrupted every industry, including the field of education.

I am proud to announce (on this Holy Week) that I am releasing a FREE eCourse on my blog site entitled “Christian Formation, Ministry, and Leadership.” You can locate the course on the far right tab found on the home page. You may be asking yourself, “What is an eCourse?” An eCourse is simply a class you take online. Many instructors charge students to take their eCourse. The good news for you, as it relates to this course, is you won’t be taking any tests and the good news for me is I won’t be grading any papers!

After I graduated seminary with my doctorate, I put together a series of lectures that relate to subjects of Christian formation, ministry, and leadership. I love all three of these fields and thus enjoyed compiling these lectures. If you do not have a passion for these three fields like I do, I can assure you that you will most likely not enjoy listening to my lectures.

However, if you do enjoy Christian formation (what I term as a combination of Christian education and spiritual formation), ministry, and leadership, I think you will like my lectures. You may only like one or two of the disciplines. If that is the case, I would encourage you to pick and choose which lectures you will listen to. For example, if you are a business leader, you may only want to listen to the lecture on leadership. If you are an adult pastor, you may want to listen to the lecture on adult ministry and the lecture on leadership. If you want to learn more about ministry in general, I think you will find yourself listening to many of these lectures!

I hope you enjoy listening to these lectures and I hope you find my lectures worthwhile of your time.


New Booklet!


My latest booklet WHY NGM? has just been released on Amazon in print and digitally through Kindle! I should have published this booklet first. WHY? Because your “why” comes before your “what” or your “how.” Simon Sinek, the business guru, who wrote Start With Why is to be credited with discovering this principle. Starting with “why” doesn’t just work in business; it also works in ministry!

You may notice that what I once called “books,” I now call “booklets.” The reason I have changed terminology is because of none of my “books” were long. I find it more accurate to describe my writing’s as booklets. I also think that people do not read as much as people used to read and I know that people’s attention spans have shrunk. I believe people are much more likely to read my booklet than than they are to read my book.

It is time for me to get off of my soapbox and get back to telling you WHY I wrote this booklet. I had no intention to write a new booklet. However, I found myself hitting a roadblock. I knew I needed to do something to get my juices flowing! After seeking the Lord, I knew I needed to write this new booklet. However, I had no idea where I was going.

What I did know was that WHY NGM? was to serve a tri-fold purpose: (1) To encourage student pastors that were hurting, (2) To help ministers who had lost their way, and (3) To explain why next generation ministry is needed in the local church.

The first and second purposes go together. Many ministers who are hurting have lost their way. They have lost their “why.” I am amazed at the number of student pastors who are hurting and at the number of ministers (any type of pastor) who have lost their way. God has given me a heart for helping hurting ministers, especially student pastors.

The third purpose speaks to student pastors and ministers (specifically, pastors) who need to understand why converting to next generation ministry, a new model of student ministry, is important.

What ends up coming out of the booklet is even a surprise to me! The “why” that jumps off the pages is “to make our nation stronger.” I am not saying this “why” is the most important “why” found in next generation ministry. All I am saying is that even I was surprised how forcefully this “why” surfaces. I never sat down and began writing this booklet thinking of how much I was going to highlight our nation. It is just what happened.

That being said, I do believe next generation ministry makes a family, a church, and a nation stronger! If you would like to know more about next generation ministry, please read all of my booklets. I promise you they are short!



Chances are you have not heard the song above. If you have happened to hear the song on piano or guitar (or both), chances are you do not know the words of the song or even that the song had words.

The next generation is extremely talented! But sometimes they are saying things to us without saying them. Are you tuned into what they are saying even when they are not saying anything aloud? Just because some in the next gen may not talk does not mean they do not possess depth. It may just mean you need go deeper to tap into the vast wealth they do possess.

How can you tap into this wealth and help your students use it to influence the world for Christ. You must first spend time with your students. As you learn who your students are and what talents they possess, you will be well on your way in helping them to release their full potential.

The next generation are not a people to be managed. Rather, they are a resource to be developed! How are you investing in them? Are you a mentor or a micromanager? Level 2 won’t be achieved until have completed level 1. It doesn’t help to skip steps. Once the next gen sees you care, they will allow you to help them with the details of their life. This includes the spiritual disciplines and associated accountability they need to incorporate into their own Christian development. This is when and where you come in! In this way, their hurts become your help.


Who am I?

“Who am I?” is a question the next generation has always asked of themselves. I’ve said this before, but I think the topic of gender identity will be of great concern for the church in the ages to come. However, putting aside gender identity, people have always struggled with finding out who they are.

It’s never been wrong to try and figure out who you are. The problem is most people try to accomplish this feat aside from God. You will never figure out who you are until you figure out who you are in Christ. In Christ, you are a new creation. In Christ, you are a son or daughter of God. In Christ, you are a child of God. In Christ, your sins are removed as far as the east is from the west. In Christ, you are the righteousness of God.

If someone is not in Christ, they may be physically alive, but according to the Bible, they are dead and lost in their trespasses. It makes sense that you can’t know who you are until you know who you are in Christ (that is, if Jesus really is God). Apart from your Creator, how can you, the created, figure out anything, much less anything so complex as the subject of who you are.

JD Greear, Pastor of the The Summit Church, recently spoke at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s GO Conference on “God as Father” and how that relates to one’s identity. I have never heard a greater address on the subject. Listening to the sermon in its entirety will be well worth your time. Simply click on the link above and be encouraged!