
Politics, Not as usual

Protesters Burn Bible, American Flag as Tensions Rise in Portland ...

America . . . “land of the free and home of the brave” . . . maybe not for much longer. 1492 has been replaced with 1619. Statues of the founding fathers have been torn down. Police are seen as the bad guys. And all this has happened while states, regions, and cities are being divided on every front . . . with conservative governors suing liberal mayors, with liberal mayors claiming they can override the President’s orders, and with lawlessness in major cities going unrestricted.

Faith, hope, and freedom are all on the line. All the things that made the United States of America the greatest country in the world are now being attacked and that includes the American flag and the Bible. Christians in this land need not only wake up. Christians must stand up, and they must rise up, together. Red, yellow, black, and white, Christians need to show the world there is something greater to unite around than a pithy statement.

I long for the day when Democrats could be what they used to be. But that party no longer exists. Even Republicans aren’t what they used to be. Today’s democrat, at least on the national level, is a socialist, a marxist, a communist. Thus, a vote for a democrat national leader is a vote for an America where the nation’s history goes out the window. In fact, history classes are already being removed from some schools and the history classes that have been being taught have been teaching an UnAmerican history for many years now.

You must see that it is more than America’s history that is being re-written. It is America herself. The America we knew and that has been known for the last 244 years could well be a thing of the past. What we are are seeing unfold daily before our eyes is not politics as usual. The upcoming vote is not just another important vote. The 2020 vote pits ideologies against each other such as lawlessness vs. law & order, socialism vs. democracy, marxism vs. capitalism, and much much more.

I hope you are aware of the “Unity Task Forces” 110 page document, also known as the Biden-Sanders socialist manifesto. Of the New York Post, Miranda Devine writes, “The biggest clue to the destructive ideology that drives the Biden-Sanders manifesto is the word “equity,” which appears 34 times. Equity means equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. It is the very DNA of Marxism and everything bad flows from it, as we saw in the Soviet Union, Mao’s China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.”

I don’t have to tell you how marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores can remain open while many churches must remain closed. I don’t have to tell you about how many businesses such as health clubs, restaurants, and salons have been treated unfairly and how their owners have been ostracized. The double standard was evident when liberal leaders allowed rioters to destroy their own cities and their own cities’ businesses, all the while not enforcing Covid-19 protocols on the protestors and the rioters. We are fast becoming a land where each is to his own and where everyone does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6).

Ultimately, my hope is not in America or her leaders, be it Democrat, Republican, or Independent. But, I do love my country! I want it to stand for faith and freedom as long as it can. I hope it can return to the God who has been so good to it. I hope it will not have to endure a second civil war, but will instead turn to the only one who can unite it, Jesus.

This is “politics, not as usual” because politics has now overreached her jurisdiction. The political sphere has overstepped its bounds in the economic sphere, in the religion sphere, in the sports sphere . . . pretty much any sphere that exists. What are we to do? As American citizens? and as Christ-followers?

Well, some Christ-followers are standing up, literally. Some professional athletes who are Christians choose to stand for the national anthem and not kneel, because they say that the Black Lives Matter Global Network stands for so much more than the statement “Black Lives Matter.” It is these athletes’ choice whether to stand or kneel, but I do agree with their assessment of the global movement. The movement’s own website declares that BLM is also about destabilizing the family unit and affirming a queer network.

How can you stand up for America and for truth? Besides voting your conscience, I would encourage you to use your social media platform to educate and to inspire. Understand though, that even your content is being censored by social tech companies, further highlighting how we as Americans are losing our freedom of speech. Let’s do our own part and try to keep America a land of the free by being brave ourselves. A better America makes for a better world! It’s not easy to go against the tide, to buck the system, but Jesus has called us to be countercultural. We must go against the grain and swim upstream when our culture is against Christ. We must be in the world and not of it, while loving everyone in the world and praying for their salvation.

We must help the next generation understand that Antifa as a “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” along with its ’10 Points of Action’ are not the solution to America’s ails. Jesus is the answer to all humanity’s woes! His movement is eternal and it deals with what plagues us all, sin. We must not sit back while the government impinges upon our freedoms. We must be strong and courageous so that the next generation can inherit a free land and a brave home like we once did.