
Post Election: What does it mean for the Next Generation?


I have so many thoughts and feelings concerning this year’s election/results and what it means for the next generation.  First, I was shocked that Trump won the vote.  I can still hear myself telling everyone 2-3 years ago that Hilary Clinton would be our nation’s next President.  Honestly, I didn’t like to say that, but I felt it was sure to happen.

What makes America great is that a man can overcome all odds, including the media, special interest groups, his own party, and the poll favorite herself to become President.  Only in America!  I didn’t think Trump had a chance.  The great thing about Trump is he owes no one anything.  He will not be a puppet on a string.  In fact, Trump doesn’t even want the President’s salary and is opting to be paid the required penny a year.

Trump is far from perfect and said many things he should not, but spiritually, I did feel he was this nation’s best alternative.  Compared to other Republican candidates, Trump put together the best evangelical task force.  Maybe I should not speak of politics, but I feel and believe that theology applies to all of life.

In my spirit, I feel Trump won the election for a few reasons: (1) The prayers of God’s people were heard.  2 Chronicles 7:14 was answered.  Many American Christians who have not faithfully been praying prayed for this year’s election, (2) The people’s voice was heard and it still counts.  What makes America great is that people vote in their leaders and the people’s choice won out.  I couldn’t have been more proud to be an American, and (3) God loves America and has not given up on her.

That being said, it is vital that God’s people use this upcoming 4-year window to impact the next generation like never before.  The cultural landscape of our nation is changing vastly.  Strategically, we must focus our efforts on minorities.  We must learn how to build bridges with those of other colors and ethnicities.  We must worship together, pray together, sing together, hold hands together, and study the Bible together.  Simply put, we must experience a little heaven on earth (Rev 7:9).  Personally, I have many friends that don’t look like me or talk like me and I love them all.

Finally, I think a word of thanks goes out to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and specifically the Graham family.  Billy has been a faithful servant of God for many years.  His son, Franklin, went to every state capitol and called for God’s people to come out, to repent, and to pray for the nation’s election.  I think God in his providence has allowed Billy to stay alive long enough to see the fruits of his labor.  In fact, it would not surprise me at all if Billy passed shortly after Trump is sworn into office as our nation’s Commander-in-chief.

Let’s thank God for the election results, but even more so, let’s be about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49).