Great Commission

Ministry to the Next Generation and Beyond

star trek

The Great Commission lies at the heart of next generation ministry.  Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded his closest followers and friends to go and make disciple of all nations (Matt 28:19-20).  What were these band of brothers to do without their leader?  Thankfully, Jesus had promised to leave his band a Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would guide them to reach their Master’s goal.

The Church of the 21st Century is no different than this original band in that The Church has a timeless message to proclaim.  The Church of the past 2000 years has been led of the Spirit to incorporate different methodologies to spread the gospel message over this vast span of time.  Like a spaceship, the 21st century Church has need of God’s Spirit to guide it into new frontiers.

God’s Spirit can lead the Church to use new tactics to accomplish a mission.  A word that is emphasized in 21st Century politics, warfare, and business is the term “strategy.”  What is the United States of America’s strategy to defeat ISIS?  What strategy will Republican and Democrat candidates utilize in order to win the presidency?  What is Apple’s strategy in creating the next great gadget?

Methodologies or strategies change over time.  But the message of good news that Jesus handed down to his disciples to share throughout the ages in word and in deed never changes.  It had to be reassuring to the original band and the early church when they learned that the message would never change.  Imagine how much more assuring it means to the 21st Century Church that this timeless message remains the same in a world where technology, media, and ways to communicate are changing every nanosecond.

The American church faces a dilemma today.  Traditional children and youth ministry is not achieving the same successes it has enjoyed in the past.  I submit to you that I believe the Church is in need of a new strategy, a better strategy.  I, myself have achieved many victories using the older paradigm of children and youth ministry, but have found myself waiving the white flag in the face of new challenges today.

Today’s economy, world, and people are different than in previous generations.  The next generation is a complex group that must be paid attention to.  Yes, the notion that the Bible is all that the Church needs is correct in one sense.  However, if the church does not keep pace with the culture by understanding who this new generation is, the church will lose this generation.   To reach the next generation, the church must know who the next generation is.

The next generation hungers after a vision that is bigger than themselves.  There is no greater mission for the next generation to fulfill than the Great Commission.  Establishing a caliphate pales in comparison because fulfilling the Great Commission requires a God and a Church that spans generational ages themselves.  If ISIS can lure young people into its strategy for achieving global jihad, then the Church can have a strategy that is effective at making disciples for Jesus Christ.  Both ISIS and the Church want to grow in number.  Does ISIS have a better strategy for accomplishing its mission than the Church?  I think not!

Next Generation Ministry advances the Gospel through a biblical strategy, collaborating through the local church with parents, leaders, and students for the spiritual formation of those from birth through college.  Next Generation Ministry is a comprehensive strategy that creates smooth transitions between the various stages of life contained in Next Generation ministry (pre-school, children, middle school, high school, college), and yet operates as one.

Next Generation ministry is in-reach but not to the neglect of outreach because Next Generation Ministry is both family-oriented and missional.  Next Generation Ministry aids singles and young married couples without kids to prepare them for a missional future with their kids.  From the cradle through college, Next Generation Ministry does not overlook any age category in its mission to go and make disciples.  In next generation ministry, “students” are anyone from birth through college.

Too often, traditional models of children and youth ministries overlook certain age-graded departments to the detriment of others.  Most often, this devastation occurs in the Pre School and College departments when churches hire ministers for certain age groups to the neglect of others.  As a result, would be disciples drop out of church when life stage transitions take place.  For instance, a high school senior drops out of church because the church does not offer the same quality of ministry for its college-aged students . . . or a child does not join the church’s youth group because he or she has not made adequate friends or connections within the church’s children ministry.

In the meanwhile, silo departments and leaders squabble over time, money, and resources.  Instead of making disciples, these churches are making enemies with each other.  Their goals have become sidetracked and their missional targets are now off base.

Next Generation ministry is a new tactic that God is using today to keep his Church focused and on-mission.  Ministry leader (“Live long and prosper”), would you consider jumping ship?