
Ten “In Charge” Rules

This post is designated for parents and guardians of the next generation. If you read my last post, you know I raved about having attended Dr. White’s latest Church and Culture conference. Dr. White shared Ten “In Charge” Rules with conference attendees.

Below are the new Ten Commandments (Ok, I’m joking). But seriously, in light of changing technology and the digital revolution, parents would do well to heed these rules:

Ten “In Charge” Rules

  1. Limit their phone minutes, texts, and online hours. Don’t let it take over their life.
  2. Don’t ever let them see a movie you haven’t reviewed thoroughly on the front-end, regardless of its rating.
  3. Don’t let them sleep with their cell phone under their pillow or by their bed. The phone should be turned off at bedtime.
  4. Have times of the day when they have to turn their phone off, and times when texting isn’t allowed – such as family vacations or family outings.
  5. Don’t allow cell phones at the dinner table.
  6. Tell your kids not to share their passwords with their friends, not even their best friends.
  7. Keep all computers in a public area.
  8.  Don’t allow TV’s in their room.
  9.  Don’t let them be on something like Facebook or Instagram unless they friend you as a parent.
  10. Don’t let them join any social media prior to the stated age.

Besides these rules, many parents also have their kids sign a smart phone or internet/social media contract. Parents, be the parent and lay down the law. Just don’t forget about showing some grace if and when your kids blow it!