
Tribute to Kobe

I have grown up as lifetime Lakers fan. My favorite player to this day remains Magic Johnson. I always admired Magic’s charisma, ability to pass the ball, and willingness to put the team above himself. Kobe was a different player. Kobe modeled his game after “the greatness” we call Michael Jordan. Kobe was as close as anyone will ever come to being “like Mike.” The only advantage Kobe had over Mike was his 3-point shot making ability. Kobe shot a basketball much the same way Ken Griffey Jr. swung a baseball bat. To this day, Kobe has the best looking shot I have ever seen.

I received the news that Kobe had passed away in a helicopter crash this past Sunday at 3 pm. I felt the impact immediately. After all, I knew Kobe was a universal figure and that his death would be felt across the globe. It was. The unusual circumstances reminded me of John Denver’s plane crash and others who have gone on before it was their time.

The truth is we never know what day will be our last. Kobe’s death should serve as a reminder to all of us that we are not promised tomorrow. Kobe was 41 and had a lot of life left to live.

Are you ready? If your bell is rung, can you say that you are in Christ? Kobe was a charitable man, a philanthropist. Kobe also loved his country. But on the Day of Judgment, good deeds (even in the form of patriotism) will get you nowhere (Isaiah 64:6). Was Kobe in Christ? I’ll let Jesus answer that. But as for you and I, the Bible is clear that we can know if we are in Christ or not:

11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 The one who has the Son has life. The one who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:11-13).

What we do now determines our forever then. Today, are you living for yourself or are you living for Christ?

I spent countless hours watching Kobe win championships and the play the same game I love. Never in a million years would I have guessed that in the morning on my way to church I would hear radio sports talk show hosts discuss a living Kobe and then receive news that same afternoon that Kobe had passed.

We just never know. Without Jesus, none of us have life (John 1:1-4). But if you don’t believe in Jesus, you stand dead already (John 3:17-18).

Parents and leaders, take this time to talk to your students about the brevity of life and how they should not put off following Christ. It isn’t just Kobe who is no longer with us. Sad to say, it is also his 13-year-old daughter.