

Chances are you have not heard the song above. If you have happened to hear the song on piano or guitar (or both), chances are you do not know the words of the song or even that the song had words.

The next generation is extremely talented! But sometimes they are saying things to us without saying them. Are you tuned into what they are saying even when they are not saying anything aloud? Just because some in the next gen may not talk does not mean they do not possess depth. It may just mean you need go deeper to tap into the vast wealth they do possess.

How can you tap into this wealth and help your students use it to influence the world for Christ. You must first spend time with your students. As you learn who your students are and what talents they possess, you will be well on your way in helping them to release their full potential.

The next generation are not a people to be managed. Rather, they are a resource to be developed! How are you investing in them? Are you a mentor or a micromanager? Level 2 won’t be achieved until have completed level 1. It doesn’t help to skip steps. Once the next gen sees you care, they will allow you to help them with the details of their life. This includes the spiritual disciplines and associated accountability they need to incorporate into their own Christian development. This is when and where you come in! In this way, their hurts become your help.