Great Commission

What can I do to reach the next generation for Christ?


How can I reach the next generation for Christ? This is a personal question so each individual will answer this question differently. In previous posts, I have written extensively on some of the challenges in reaching the next generation and exhorted the church community to not give up on this task. I have also provided evangelistic methods that the church community can use and have gone as far as to include a series detailing the latest research and statistics concerning who the next generation is and how to reach them. However, doing all of the above is still not enough.

Each of us has an individual responsibility to carry out in reaching the next generation for Christ. To reach the next generation, we are going to have to reach them on every level and from every angle. As has been noted for many years now, we are going to have to play ball on their court. To reach not just the next generation but also the unchurched, we must pack our bags and hit the road. We must travel to them because they simply are not coming to us.

I reminisce on a scene from the movie Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner where a voice says “if you build it, they will come.” Not anymore. We can build beautiful church edifices built in with the greatest technology and architectural structure, but this does not guarantee church growth in this day and time. Many churches have gone away from meeting in the traditional church house and are now meeting in coffee shops, schools, movie theatres, and shopping centers. But these alternatives do not guarantee church attendance either. I think we need to rewrite the script to say “if you go, they will come.” Church is not “come and see” which worked in the 1950’s but is “go and tell” which works all the time. Sure, there are exceptions such as Jeremiah the prophet sharing God’s message and not obtaining a single convert. But I find it hard to believe that same logic is at work today as there are over 7.5 billion people residing on the planet earth along with millions who have never heard the name of Christ. I am convinced that if we are faithful to share the good news, we will make disciples in, out, and of this generation!

In the Parable of the Talents (Mat 25:14-30), Jesus says, “For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance” and in the Parable of the Faithful Servant (Luke 12:35-48), Jesus says, “Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.” We each have an obligation to use the talents, however many they are, that the Lord has given to us to influence the next generation toward the pursuit of a relationship with Christ.

Oftentimes, talents take time to develop. A few years ago, I decided to start a new hobby. I began sports-writing with the intention to spread the good news. I would blog articles and leave business cards or pass out business cards with the phrase, “John 3:16, God Loves You” strategically placed on the back of the card. I was taking my talent, developing my craft, and hitting the road. I have given these cards out in many places including Washington DC and I know people from as far as Boston and Philadelphia have walked away feeling thankful that someone cared enough to provide a gesture that impresses on them the feeling that they are loved by God. I did not approach these strangers as a professional pastor, prophet, apostle, or missionary. I simply developed a talent God had given me and then shared it with the world.

Talents multiply too! I started out sports-writing, evolved into sports-talk, and am now hosting a weekly football show at a local bar and grill (remember church, we are the visiting team now). The goal is to develop relationships with restaurant staff, customers, and the community in order to initiate gospel-centered conversations that will not only bring people to Jesus, but will also bring people in or back to church! This is a sidebar, but when you eat out at restaurant, leave a good tip (especially if you pray for the waiter/waitress, leave a track, or eat out on Sundays).

With that being said, what is your talent? What are you doing to develop your talent? And more importantly, how are you using your talent to couple it with The Story to win people to Christ or to bring them back to church? We are in the world and not of it (John 17:16). We are salt and light to the world (Mat 5:13-16). Don’t lose your flavor and don’t hide your light. Let your talent shine for the glory of God and watch as the next generation begins to flow back into church!