
Who am I?

“Who am I?” is a question the next generation has always asked of themselves. I’ve said this before, but I think the topic of gender identity will be of great concern for the church in the ages to come. However, putting aside gender identity, people have always struggled with finding out who they are.

It’s never been wrong to try and figure out who you are. The problem is most people try to accomplish this feat aside from God. You will never figure out who you are until you figure out who you are in Christ. In Christ, you are a new creation. In Christ, you are a son or daughter of God. In Christ, you are a child of God. In Christ, your sins are removed as far as the east is from the west. In Christ, you are the righteousness of God.

If someone is not in Christ, they may be physically alive, but according to the Bible, they are dead and lost in their trespasses. It makes sense that you can’t know who you are until you know who you are in Christ (that is, if Jesus really is God). Apart from your Creator, how can you, the created, figure out anything, much less anything so complex as the subject of who you are.

JD Greear, Pastor of the The Summit Church, recently spoke at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s GO Conference on “God as Father” and how that relates to one’s identity. I have never heard a greater address on the subject. Listening to the sermon in its entirety will be well worth your time. Simply click on the link above and be encouraged!