
Let’s Play ???

Members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence attend a Gay Pride event in Paris in June 2021.

Last week was very enlightening. North Face showed its face. Target was targeted. And the LA Dodgers got as far away from baseball as the organization could get. Along with Bud Light, much of the controversy around these corporations relate to their affiliation with drag queens, the trans-movement, and satanism.

It is the satanism that some of these organizations are promoting that I would like to address in this post. Last week was kind of a watershed moment in that now, corporations are taking their satanism and throwing it “in your face.”

The Dodgers invited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI), a trans and queer nun group out to its ballpark to honor the group in “Pride Month.” Of course, the Catholics took offense because they have real nuns. Apparently the meaning of “nun” is being redefined today. With the rise of religious nones, I’m not sure how many people are even paying attention.

Then Target’s clothing partner company Abprallen produced an apparel collection to celebrate pride month which had satanic and occult images and themes attached to them. The owner of Abprallen is openly satanic. There are member(s) of the SPI that attend the Church of Satan. The point  is this: Satanism is in our face now.

Things like these are really nothing new. They’ve been happening all along. Just a casual observance on any form of media and you can walk away feeling something isn’t right. What these events do however, is put feet to the fire. You’re not just feeling something hellish is happening. Now, you’re seeing it with your own eyes.

Today is Memorial Day. Traditionally, this has been a day where the ideals of faith, family, and values were upheld. Of course, the Day was originally created to honor those in the Armed Services who died to give us the freedoms we enjoy. Because of their sacrifice, all churches and corporations currently have the freedom to promote that which they choose.

I’m just one who thinks it would be best if baseball teams stuck to playing baseball, if soft drink companies stuck to selling soft drinks. During Covid, many a corporation showed their true colors. Woke companies decided to politicize their products. For example, one couldn’t down a Coke without wondering if it was “socially just” to do so.

Here’s the bottom line: What we have today is not a black and white issue. It’s not even what we humans, left to ourselves, would classify as “right vs. wrong”. This is because left to ourselves, we humans often misdefine that which is right and wrong. Only God’s Word, the Bible, can rightly define that which is right and wrong. No, what we have today is a battle of “Good versus Evil”.

Underneath much of what surfaces as wokeism, socialism, marxism, totalitarianism, and many other ism’s is satanism. The SPI is an organization that holds annual Easter events which mock the crucifixion of Christ. They’re openly anti-Christian and they’re not the type of nuns you want your children hanging around.

After some backlash, the Dodgers decided to cancel their invitation to the SPI. But, you know what they decided to do next? That’s right — after a few days, they rescinded and re-invited the SPI.

According to the LA Times, “The Los Angeles Sisters say they’ve accepted the apology from Dodgers leadership over the decision Wednesday to dump them from Pride Night under pressure from conservative Catholic groups. The Sisters said they will indeed be honored with the Community Hero Award they originally were to receive.”

This is the world our next generation of Christ-followers is growing up in. It’s not a playground. It’s a battleground. And it’s only going to get worse. What’s in our face now will one day be . . . well, I won’t go there . . . We need to do something now and that something is to stand up, pray, and to raise our children in a godly way where they can understand the culture that is around them and how to navigate it in a way that honors Jesus.


The War within

The desire of self- destruction. “Unless your name is death, I would… | by  Lagos Thomas | Medium


By Their Strange Fruit : Biblical Justice

Have you noticed lately how American Marxism is gaining ground in our culture and society? From college campuses to social media to mass entertainment to peer pressure to corporate politics and more, the next generation continues to face an incoming onslaught and ongoing avalanche in the form of classroom state-mandated CRT, availability of transgender multi-use restrooms, and the promotion to devalue the concept of the nuclear family.

The truth is the seeds of Marxism have been in place for decades in various American institutions, but now the seeds have grown up and are beginning to germinate in full bloom. Just as many from the LGBQT community have come out in time, so now many underground Marxists have come out of their closets.

It is at this point I want to remind you of a reference I made in a previous post to Rod Dreyer where he wrote of Marxism not as being a different political ideology, but rather being a rival religion to the Christian faith. Rod is right. Marxism and Christianity are at odds with one another. I could spell out many differences between the two religions, however, my preference is to share some commonalities.

CRT, which is a staple of Marxism, has captivated the next generation due the theory’s emphasis on justice. Overcoming injustice is certainly a good trait and one that Jesus would affirm. In fact, Jesus spent much of his life correcting the injustices he saw around him. Has the Church spent too much time trying to get people on earth into heaven to the peril of ignoring biblical justice, thereby allowing heaven, in the form of God’s Kingdom, to come down to earth? Derwin Gray speaks to this phenomenon at some length when he writes of building a multiethnic church in the here and now. One day, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ will gather from all tongues, tribes, and nations to worship King Jesus in and around the throne room of God. But, why wait until then?

I certainly don’t approve of Marxism or CRT. But can we not say that many of Marx’s adherents are trying to make a right, yet are going about it in the wrong way. I mean, rioting and looting and burning American cities, buildings, and monuments down to the ground are not ends that justify the means. There is a proper way to bring about justice. But how can outright force, violence in demanding one’s way, and defunding the police be the correct means? I am not a pacifist. There are times when war is necessary. But declaring war on your nation when your nation is the greatest nation on earth is not one of those occasions.

Many young people in BLM, Antifa, and many young people on college campuses and in public schools are chasing down two things: (1) the perfectibility of man, and (2) Utopia on earth. Now, trying to improve society and our earth, even through environmental means, is a noble cause. Jesus was all about restoring culture on earth and his followers should be as well. However, Jesus also realized something that Marxists do not. Jesus realized that man could never perfect himself on earth and that utopia on earth will never occur on this earth — that is outside of Jesus making it happen. In other words, neither idea is going to happen this side of heaven. The good news, however, is that one day Jesus will right all wrongs! Jesus will create a new heaven and a new earth where people he has made righteous will live in harmonic utopia. Systemic, structural, and individual racism will also end for good!

No society, no culture, no nation will ever be perfect. America the beautiful is full of flaws and has a history marred in sin. This is no cause to erase history or to forget history. Rather, it is cause for America to learn from its past failures, make amends, and make sure that its sins do not reappear. This is where God comes into picture. America can’t make itself right in her own efforts and neither would her self-destruction cure all evils. The better route is for our nation to repent of its sin, turn to Jesus, and begin to follow His Word. Then and only then will peace flow like a river and justice roll like a wave.

Christianity offers a better narrative than Marxism! And Jesus, not man, controls the narrative. Do you know this Jesus? The One that told the scribes and Pharisees they did right to tithe but did wrong to neglect the weightier matters of the law such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness. The One that said he was sent to preach the good news to the poor and to set the captives free. If not, perhaps you need to read the gospels or watch The Chosen. The Chosen contains much information that is extrabiblical yet is nonetheless one of the best visual presentations I have seen of what the Christ may have been like while walking this earth. I ask you again, “Do you know Him?


Make God Great Again!

The title for this post is misleading in that God is great whether we as humans acknowledge his greatness or not. This title could also lead mislead people to think I am equating the re-election of President Donald Trump as making God great again, or even worse equating Trump as God. I am doing neither. I am simply stating the need for a spiritual awaking in our country. “Woke” has become the new word of the day. I prefer to use the word in a different way in this post. God’s church needs to wake up and make God great again!

In my last post, I spoke some on the reality of heaven to come. This past week, President Trump said that “If Joe Biden gets elected, the whole country would go to hell. And we’re not going to let it go to hell.” Theologically speaking, Trump is dead wrong. Are there hellish things happening on this earth and specifically in America? Certainly. But, we need to distinguish between what we often call “hell on earth” and hell.

I prefer not to use the word “hell” unless I am talking about the real place the Bible refers to as hell. No matter your stance on the word, you should never use the word in passing or as a way to express your anger. Hell is nothing less than eternal death in an eternal place. Physical death on earth happens to us all in a moment, though our suffering before death may last much longer. But eternal death is different. Eternal death is a state of death that you live in forever, not just a moment. I can’t explain what that looks like. I am not like some who claim they have travelled to hell and come back. These folks usually write books or make movies and then make money off of their experience. The hell I read about in the Bible is different. If and when you go there, you don’t come back. Not only have you died, you are dead forever.

The church needs to make God great again so that people don’t have to go to hell. We need to tell people that it is bad on earth, but that it doesn’t compare to eternal death because anything that happens here is temporary. Jesus is the Way out of hell and Jesus is the way we can all make it through the current mess we have to endure. Joe Biden is not the answer. Donald Trump is not the answer. Jesus is the answer!

But how will people hear the good news of Jesus if the church doesn’t go and tell? The church has already been commissioned and sent. Jesus is waiting on you. What are you waiting on? Trump always talks about Biden hiding down in his basement and not coming out. I worry that Christians are in their basement just waiting for Jesus to come back and take them home. We always need to be on watch! But rather than waiting in our basements, we need to be working for the Master. Does a certain parable in Scripture come to mind? In a land full of division, God has called you to be a peacemaker. Now, go and make peace! Make God great again!


To B or not to B

Ask any student you know this question: “Who is your favorite preacher?” You are likely to get a few blank stares, “favorite what?,” or looks as if to say why are you asking me this question. Next, ask the same student this question: “Who is your favorite rapper?” You are likely to get ten different names, any one being from the top ten list of rappers that every student knows.

Last night, I took some students out to hear a Christian rapper that goes by the name of B-Shoc. This wasn’t the first time I’ve taken students out to hear a Christian rapper. Ever heard of Lecrae? Believe it or not, there are many Christian rappers currently out riding the circuit.

To be honest, B-Shoc’s music wasn’t my favorite. I much prefer Lecrae’s. But, nonetheless, I found myself down at the front of the stage jumping up and down with my sideways two-peace signs. WHY? It wasn’t about my musical preferences. It was about my students’ preference. If rapping a Christian song helps students come closer to God, I’m all for it.

What I preferred to hear over B-Shoc’s music was B-Shoc’s Jesus story. He said he went to Wal Mart when he was a teenager (after falling in love with “the beat”) to find some Christian rap music and there was none. At the time, he settled for what the world had to offer and soon afterwards found himself climbing the secular charts and playing in popular nightclubs. That is, until the Jesus he knew as a child got his attention. B-Shoc hit a rock bottom in his own life and said God told him to combine his passion, rap music, with the lifestyle of following Jesus. B-Shoc said he knew he was to take his style of music into the world to reach lost souls and even into the church to encourage the saints.

But it hasn’t been easy. B-Shoc has encountered a lot of opposition. Yet, B-Shoc has seen nearly 10,000 souls won to the Lord in his nine years of ministry. I think its easy to criticize. We could probably all find something to gripe about. But the question I would like to ask B-Shoc haters is this: “How many souls have you won in the last nine years?”

Reaching the next generation for Christ isn’t easy. But as you can see, B-Shoc has continued to grind. He says he is driven by that empty CD shelf at Wal Mart with no Christian witness to the style of music that captured his soul. I’m sure B-Shoc doesn’t want the next generation to follow the footsteps he took as a young man and is also driven to do everything he can to offer the next generation an alternate choice.

B-Shoc says it’s not get your life right so you can get right with Jesus; it’s get right with Jesus so you can get your life right. Sounds like good preaching to me! Christianity never was about climbing a ladder or stairway of good deeds all the way up to heaven. It’s the exact opposite. Jesus walked down the stairway so he could carry you back up with him. B-Shoc then told the students getting to know Jesus takes a lifetime, but salvation can happen in a moment.

This was all great stuff! But none of it was my favorite. Because B-Shoc was about to bring it home. He got personal with all in attendance, including the adults. He shared with everyone that they were uniquely made by God and that they could search the earth and not find another person just like them. God had created them for a purpose. Maybe they weren’t supposed to be a Christian rapper like him, but it was their job to find out what God had created them for and then do it.

In words only a Christian rapper could get away with, B-Shoc told everyone in attendance to hear what God was telling them, get off their butt, and MOVE to start doing it. Say what you will, but I think it’s a message the church needs to hear. If all you do is sit and worry about what God has told you to do, you’re not only hurting yourself, you’re hurting God and you’re hurting others whom God made you to help. *By the way, the reason I’ve written this post and others is because, like B-Shoc, God told me to!

I like preachers and I have known many good ones! But maybe, just maybe, the next gen knows the names of rappers and not the names of preachers because the rappers are telling it like it is. If we’re going to win the next generation, we’ve got to win their hearts and we’ve got to be real. Center yourself on the gospel, focus on the mission, and GO create a culture of missional artists in your next generation ministry that are ready to use their gifts and passions for the glory of God!