Next Generation Ministry

Congratulations Graduates!

Numbers 15:37-39 – “The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so remember all the commands of the Lord, so that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes.

Graduation Day—a day mixed with emotions. All involved—parents, teachers, administrators, students—carry with them a bittersweet feeling on Graduation Day. It is both a happy and a sad moment. The sun is shining, but the rain is falling. If you are really struggling, open up to the Book of Psalms and begin reading. In many instances, Graduation Day, a milestone event, is merely a symbol that little Billy or Sally has grown up. Graduates not only leave their old school behind never to return, but often leave home (“empty nest”), only coming back on occasion.

Graduation Day is a special time for me this year! My niece graduates from high school tomorrow and then sets sail for UGA, the University of Georgia. I am happy for my niece’s accomplishments and achievements but sad to have seen her grow up so quickly. When she flips the tassel and throws the hat up, it’s time for a new part of her journey to begin.

Reading the biblical passage above struck me in a strong way this past week. The tassel did not represent graduation for the Israelites and the tassel was not attached to a graduation cap. However, I hope upcoming graduates understand that when they they finally flip their tassel, they will look it and recount God’s faithfulness to them and remember his commands. College life will test one’s commitment to Christ in many ways. Graduates who recognize that God was with them through high school will understand that God will be with them through college. Unlike men, God does not change. The big theological word that we use to explain God’s unchanging nature is immuatability. I am glad that God does not change but I am even more glad that God does not leave or forsake us (Heb 13:5). Life is ever changing. Generations come and generations go, but God’s faithfulness remains.

In NGM, we celebrate milestone events! Graduation is just one such milestone in a young person’s life. Next generation leader, have you ever thought about what you want your church graduate to look like when he or she graduates from your ministry? If not, you should have. What is the end goal? The end goal should be to develop a fully committed follower of Christ. If you’ve done your job right, you have worked with parents, children, students, and leaders for eighteen years (if you’ve been serving that long) just for this moment! And though the discipleship process never ends, it becomes clear to all that you have left your mark! Though society no longer looks at pastors with the same gusto, your position is of supreme importance and you should share in feeling a sense of accomplishment as your graduate walks across the stage, be it at school or at church.

Yes, graduation is happy and its sad. But what do you do when it is all over? Just remember what comes up after the rain and after the sun. Rai͡nbows signify God’s faithfulness to his promises. When it is all said and done, walk away in joy knowing that God and his Word are not going anywhere. And maybe, just maybe, your graduate will find a pot of gold at the end of his or her rainbow.