Articles Next Generation Ministry

The Walking Dead: It is real


There are dead men and women, dead boys and girls walking around us every day. It is hard for us to believe that they are dead because we see them moving, breathing, and making all types of sound. Ephesians 2:1 and Colossians 2:13 teach that those without Christ are dead in their sins. You may recall how Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born again (John 3:3). What does a person who is dead but is alive look like?

The popular television show The Walking Dead, now airing in its 7th season, has garnered more attention than any other cable or broadcast series for 18 to 49-year-olds. The show made its season debut last month with a viewership of 17 million. In a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies (“walkers”), survivors attempt to do just that-survive.

To me, The Walking Dead paints a vivid picture of what it means for a person to be alive, yet dead at the same time. The survivors who have not yet been eaten or infected represent humans who are alive and who are doing everything in their power to live to see another day. The zombies are those who are already dead, who have passed onto the other side. There is no hope for the zombie, but the survivors hang on to a glimmer of hope.

My fear is that there are Christians today who are living out a half-life, a life based on survival. Jesus did not come and die on this earth so that those who know Him could survive this life. He came so that his followers could thrive in this life (John 10:10). Yes, persecution and death may befall the Christian, but ultimately there is life in death for the believer. There is a joy to behold in this life and the next and his name is Jesus, the One who conquered death itself. The Kingdom of Heaven is to come but it is also present in the hearts of men made alive now.

The Dead Man Walking made a way. Jesus may have looked like a zombie to those who saw him soon after he walked out of the grave. But who could have imagined?

Christians, we are more than survivors. We are thrivors! There is no need to drag. The same power that was at work in bringing Christ out of the grave is the same resurrection power that is at work in our lives! We go out into the world to infuse Life into those who have bitten with the death curse. We have the lifeline, the good news cure to share with those The Bible claims are dead in their sins. We hope they will be born again so that they too can experience life to the full.

Let’s rally together and go wake up the dead Christians who seem to be sleepwalking and remind them of what Life is all about. Let’s tell those who are dead in their sins how they can have Life eternal. You don’t have to wait until the apocalypse to see a world filled with dead people. Just look around you, witness the hopelessness and despair, and get moving!