Next Generation Ministry

What is working?

Next generation ministry is all about parents, leaders, and students. It’s also about the local church, God, and reaching the community. So much ink has been spilt over the numbers, percentages, and statistics of the the next generation straying or leaving their church or their faith.

Granted, this is a problem. But, in looking for a solution, one must first start with the question, “What is currently working?” Recently, my watch stopped working. Now, I don’t wear watches all that often, but I do on occasion. There was nothing wrong with the band, case, dial, crown, or lugs. All the watch needed was a new battery. So, after a trip to the watch store and spending $10, my watch was up and running again.

Steve Parr recently wrote a book entitled, Why They Stay: Helping Parents and Church Leaders Make Investments That Keep Children and Teens Connected to the Church for a Lifetime. The book is filled with practical advice, but above all, the books tells the church what is working! Steve identifies fifteen items:

  1. Young adult repented and believed in Jesus as a child or teen
  2. Young adult was baptized as a child or teen
  3. Young adult had good relationships with both parents while being raised
  4. Young adult was not a strong-willed child. *Note: Steve clearly notes that strong-willed children can and do stay in the church, but that extra guidance needs to be given to parents with children that have this temperament.
  5. Parents were balanced in their disciplinary style. *Note: think instruction/correction instead of punishment/control.
  6. Parents stayed together. *Note: It was much harder for teens to stay in church as a young adult than students who experienced divorce as a child.
  7. Parents/students were not separated during the worship service.
  8. Pastor was liked by children and teens.
  9. Church had a strategic student ministry with a schedule of activities.
  10. Parents actively served in the church as opposed to just attending.
  11. Church had a ministry geared toward college-aged young adults.
  12. Young adults attended college and graduated. *Note: This stat is not meant to discriminate against those who did not go to college. It’s just what the research revealed.
  13. Church helped college-aged young adults connect to a local church and campus ministry whether the student stayed at home or not during his or her college-aged years.
  14. Students held a high view of Scripture.
  15. Students had made a personal commitment to stay in church and their faith became rooted in a personal experience with Jesus Christ.

See, there is a lot that is working! Don’t throw in the towel just yet. Being a Christ-follower is not for the faint of heart. Wimps and quitters need not apply. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. You are living in perilous times, but God has promised to be with you in this challenging task to reach the next generation!

Jana Magruder also recently wrote a book describing what parents can do the influence the long-term spiritual condition of their kids. Jana’s book, Nothing Less: Engaging Kids in a Lifetime of Faith goes right along the lines of Steve’s book. Jana lists these nine positive influencers of parents:

  1. Parents participated in missions trip as a family as their kids were growing up.
  2. Parents participated in ministry or service projects with their kids as they were growing up.
  3. Parents frequently shared Christ with unbelievers as their kids were growing up.
  4. Parents personally read the Bible several times a week or more as their kids were growing up.
  5. Parents encouraged teen children to serve in the church.
  6. Parents typically asked forgiveness when they messed up as their children were growing up.
  7. Parents encouraged their children’s own unique talents and interests as they grew up.
  8. Parents attended churches that emphasized what the Bible says as their kids were growing up.
  9. Parents taught their children to tithe as their kids were growing up.

Dear parents and leaders, you can accomplish the task of seeing the next generation come to faith in Christ while staying committed to both Jesus and his church! I know because it has been done before! There’s nothing wrong with looking for new methods to accomplish the same task. Just don’t forget to use what has worked in the past.

Or maybe, you just needed your battery re-charged!